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Are you a young scientist on a dynamic career path in hepatitis E field? The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) provides young scientists, in the field of hepatology, with many ...

One health

Published by Siddharth Sridhar

Hepatitis E has always fascinated me. Epidemiologically, this virus is a shape-shifter, infecting humans through an impressive array of attack routes including pork products, game meat, contaminated w...

Clinical feature

Published by Temi Lampejo

The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARs-CoV-2 infection has placed unprecedented demands on all aspects of healthcare. Although HEV transmission within the healthcare setting is extremely rare, clinical ...

Public health

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On 2 March 2022 the Namibians government declared an end to the HEV outbreak.  The 4-year long outbreak affected 13 of the 14 political regions mainly in informal settlements and areas with poor hygi...

Public health

Published by , Pengfei Li

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is found worldwide. It is common in low- and middle-income countries, and is also emerging in industrialized countries. But what is the global epidemiology and the cl...

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International Joint Meeting on Viral Infections of the Liver and the Heart (2025)
Day two of this symposium will place a special emphasis on Hepatitis E — a virus that, despite being the most common cause of viral hepatitis, offers a valuable opportunity for further research and understanding. Venue: Cantinerie Berlin Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 13355 Berlin, Germany. Organisers: Prof. Dr. Jens Kurreck, Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Todt, Prof. Dr. med. Heiner Wedemeyer, More information: Medizinische Hochschule Hannover : International DFG/DZIF Joint Meeting on Viral Infections of the Liver and the Heart (